My Free Vacation


Ashley wondered what she was going to do with her life. Her husband had left her for another woman and she had gotten a lousy settlement in the divorce. She knew he had hidden his assets, but she had no way to prove it. Thanks to her crappy lawyer she was almost penniless. Her thick dark hair tumbled down her shoulders and she tucked a strand behind her ear as she pored over the classified ads looking for a job that would keep a roof over her head and food in her belly. She restlessly chewed on a pencil as she stared at the sparse choices in the classified ads

Cute Girl


The girl revealed by the door’s opening was Lora Ashley. She was a cute girl, shoulder length blonde curly hair with a pink headband, blue eyes partially hidden by a pair of black rimmed glasses, dimples, a button nose, and to complete her cuteness were a string of freckles on both her cheeks like on web cam. But she was out of my league. Not that she was a part of the in crowd; she wasn’t, as she was shy and studious like me. It’s just all girls were out of my league. I turned my attention back to my exam… as if I did anything to get called down to the office.

last night in Tampa


It was my last night in Tampa and I had decided I was going out. Finals started in three days, but I deserved a break from all of the studying I had been doing… Right? Right. Sipping on my Corona I put on my short tight Aztec printed skirt and black crop top, curled my blonde hair into beach waves, and put makeup on. “Damn girl, you clean up nice,” I thought to myself as I stared back at my reflection. I hadn’t put an ounce of effort into my appearance in two weeks with the stress and impending doom of finals on my mind, so I had forgotten how decent I could actually look.